诸恶莫作          众善奉行          孝养父母          奉事师长          慈心不杀

10% of your fee goes to Charity

Your First Step to Chinese Metaphysics Course

1.  This course is suitable for beginners who has no or little knowledge about Chinese Metaphysics.
2.  Learn the History of Chinese Metaphysics, how to set up Hsia Calendar in Microsoft Outlook, etc.
3.  Upon completion, beginners will have the full confident to embark to specialize courses like Zi Wei Dou Shu Life Analysis, Feng Shui, etc.
Weekday Class: 15, 22 & 29 Apr (3x Tue); 7pm~8:30pm

Enrol before 8 Apr (Closing Soon)
10% Early Bird Discount till 15 Mar 
Weekend Class: 26 Apr (Sat); 10:30am~5pm

Enrol before: 19 Apr 
(Closing Soon)
10% Early Bird Discount till 26 Mar 
(arrange with us if you need different dates above)
Venue: Zoom

Fees: S$288
Language: English

Course Preview Video click here. (6mins mp4)
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Suitable for:

1.    Beginners who has no or little knowledge about Chinese Metaphysics.
2.    Masters/Practitioners who wish to strengthen their foundation in Chinese Metaphysics.
3.    Anyone who is keen to find out more about Chinese Metaphysics.

Learning Outcome:

1.    Participants will understand the History of Ancient China starting from the very 1st Dynasty,  i.e. Xia 夏
       Dynasty (2070~1600 BCE), till our Modern Era today, about their significant figures and their invention.
2.    Participants will get to know the Ethics as a Master/Practitioner, how 8 Trigrams are formed, 5 Elements,
3.    Upon completion, beginners will have the full confident to embark to specialize courses like Zi Wei Dou
       Shu Life Analysis, Auspicious Date Selection, Plum Blossom Divination, etc.

Sample Course Notes

Course Contents:

Pre-requisite:       N.A.

Below contents may vary without prior notice.

1.    History of Chinese Metaphysics

2.    Five Arts of Chinese Metaphysics 中华五术

3.    Ethics as a Master/Practitioner 道德伦理

4.    Types of Calendar

5.    Setting Up Xia 夏 Calendar with Microsoft Outlook

6.    Three Talents 三才

7.    Twelve Stages of a Life Cycle 十二长生

8.    Ten Factors to Success 成功十要

9.    Yin and Yang Theory 阴阳

10.  Eight Trigrams 八卦

11.  Formation of 8 Trigrams

12.  Sixty Four Hexagrams/Yi Jing 易经

13.  Sixty Four Trigrams Square Root Chart

14.  River Map Diagram/He Tu 河图

15.  Early Heaven Trigrams 先天八卦

16.  Luo Shu 洛书

17.  Later Heaven Trigrams 后天八卦

18.  Ten Heaven Stems 十天干

19.  Ten Heaven Stems on Left Palm

20.  Twelve Earth Branches 十二地支

21.  Twelve Earth Branches on Left Palm

22.  Relationship between 10 Heaven Stems and 12 Earth Branches

23.  Formation of 60 cycles of Heaven Stems and Earth Branches 六十甲子

24.  Memorizing 10 Heaven Stems and 12 Earth Branches

25.  Five Elements 五行

26.  Cycle of Birth of 5 Elements 五行相生

27.  Cycle of Destruction/Control of 5 Elements 五行相克

28.  Four Seasons and 5 Elements

29.  Tutorial

30.  Photo Taking

31.  Presentation of Certificate